Biogeographic Characterization of Essential Fish Habitats Affected by Human Activities in the Coastal Zone of Puerto Rico


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 08-11-2019 17:40

Jeffrey et al. 2010_Biogeographic Characterization of Essential Fish Habitats Affected by Human Activities in the Coastal Zone of Puerto Rico.pdf

Jeffrey, C. F., Mueller, P. W., Kendall, M. S., Buja, K., Edwards, K., Hile, S. D. 2010. Biogeographic Characterization of Essential Fish Habitats Affected by Human Activities in the Coastal Zone of Puerto Rico. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 115. NOAA, Center for Coastal Monitoring & Assessment Biogeography and National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD.

Analysis, Coastal, Ecosystem, Fish, GIS, Habitat, Management, Water quality, Aquatic community, Benthic, Wildlife, Aquatic ecosystems, Geomorphology

This report presents a synthesis of information on essential fish habitats in the marine areas of Puerto Rico (U.S.). It includes digitized marine geologic maps that were developed for the Caribbean Fishery Management Council, Essential Fish Habitat requirements, information on types of benthic habitats, and a review of the impacts of fishing activities on two priority areas in Puerto Rico (La Parguera and Vieques). The report aims to inform management decisions for these habitat areas.

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