Watershed Science Bulletin Fall 2011


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 14-02-2017 19:22


Watershed Science Bulletin Fall 2011 Watershed Land Cover / Water Resource Connections


Estimating Forest Loss with Urbanization: An Important Step toward Using Trees and Forests to Protect and Restore Watersheds /7

Forecasting Future Land Use and Its Hydrologic Implications: A Case Study of the Upper Delaware River Watershed /18

Land Cover Change in the Riparian Corridors of Connecticut /27

Bottomland Hardwood Forest Influence on Soil Water Consumption in an Urban Floodplain: Potential To Improve Flood Storage Capacity and Reduce Stormwater Runoff /34

Lawns as a Source of Nutrient Runoff in Urban Environments /44


Regional Effects of Land Use Change on Water Supply in the Potomac River Basin /52

The Curve Number Method in Watershed Management and Watershed Health /54

Metropolitan Portland, Oregon, Urban Growth Boundary: A Land Use Planning Tool Protecting Farms, Forests, and Natural Landscapes /56

Grey to Green: A Watershed Approach to Managing Stormwater Sustainably /58

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