Using Ecosystem Modeling to Evaluate Trade-Offs in Coastal Management: Effects of Large-Scale River Diversions on Fish and Fisheries


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 04-11-2019 19:51

de Mutsert et al. 2017_Using Ecosystem Modeling to Evaluate Trade-Offs in Coastal Management - Effects of Large-Scale River Diversions on Fish and Fisheries.pdf

de Mutsert, K., Lewis, K., Milroy, S., Buszowski, J., Steenbeek, J. 2017. Using Ecosystem Modeling to Evaluate Trade-Offs in Coastal Management: Effects of Large-Scale River Diversions on Fish and Fisheries. Ecological Modeling. Elsevier B.V. 360. 14-26

Analysis, Ecosystem, Fish, Habitat, Hydrology, Management, Modeling, Shellfish, Aquatic community, Wildlife, Aquatic ecosystems, Decision-making

This study utilized an ecosystem model to evaluate how river diversions in the lower Mississippi River Basin (U.S.) could impact fish and shellfish populations in the area. The model is intended to be used as a decision-support tool to compare management actions.

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