Role of Meteorologically Induced Water Level Oscillations on Bottom Shear Stress in Freshwater Estuaries in the Great Lakes


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 27-11-2019 17:55

Linares et al. 2018_Role of Meteorologically Induced Water Level Oscillations on Bottom Shear Stress in Freshwater Estuaries in the Great Lakes.pdf

Linares, A., Wu, C. H., Anderson, E. J., Chu, P. Y. 2018. Role of Meteorologically Induced Water Level Oscillations on Bottom Shear Stress in Freshwater Estuaries in the Great Lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. American Geophysical Union. 123. 4970-4987

Analysis, Climate change, Estuary, Fresh water, Lakes, Management, Sediment, Water quality, Climate, Seasonal patterns, Atmosphere

This study evaluates the impacts of meteorologically-induced water level oscillations (MIWLOs) on the severity of bottom shear stress in a freshwater estuary in the Laurentian Great Lakes system (U.S.). The results of the study have implications for managing sediment transport in coastal, estuarine areas.

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