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Owner: CWPIntern
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 27-01-2023 9:19
Corsi, S. R., De Cicco, L. A., Lutz, M. A., Hirsch, R. M., , , , . 2015. River Chloride Trends in Snow-Affected Urban Watersheds: Increasing Concentrations Outspace Urban Growth Rate and Are Common Among All Seasons: Science of the Total Environment. Elsevier B.V., . 508, . 488-497
Analysis, Road salt, Urban, Urbanization, Water quality, Roads, Chloride, Salinity, Brine, Anti-icing, Winter maintenance
This study analyzed chloride concentration data from 30 monitoring sites along 19 streams across the U.S. The sites were chosen based on their proximity to urban areas and on the quality of their datasets (the chosen sites have flow records between 18 and 49 years).