Post-Fire Erosion Control Mulches Alter Belowground Processes and Nitrate Reductase Activity of a Perennial Forb, Heartleaf Arnica (Arnica cordifolia)


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 25-10-2019 13:58

Berryman et al. 2014_Post-Fire Erosion Control Mulches Alter Belowground Processes and Nitrate Reductase Activity of a Perennial Forb Heartleaf Arnica.pdf

Berryman, E. M., Morgan, P., Robichaud, P. R., Page-Dumroese, D. 2014. Post-Fire Erosion Control Mulches Alter Belowground Processes and Nitrate Reductase Activity of a Perennial Forb, Heartleaf Arnica (Arnica cordifolia). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Forests, Management, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Soils, Vegetation, Wildfire

This study evaluated the effects of two different mulches on soil and plant characteristics at the Umatilla National Forest, four years after a wildfire (Washington, U.S.). The results indicate that mulch application post-wildfire may increase soil moisture, promote microbial nitrogen mineralization, and/or increase biological nitrogen fixation, all of which would ultimately increase nitrogen availability.

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