BMP Impacts on Sediment and Nutrient Yields from an Agricultural Watershed in the Coastal Plain Region


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Owner: CWPIntern

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Last Updated: 21-01-2023 8:51

Inamdar et al. 2001_BMP Impacts on Sediment and Nutrient Yields from an Agricultural Watershed in the Coastal Plain Region.pdf

Inamdar, S. P., Mostaghimi, S., McClellan, P. W., Brannan, K. M., , , , . 2001. BMP Impacts on Sediment and Nutrient Yields from an Agricultural Watershed in the Coastal Plain Region: Transactions of the ASAE. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, . 44, 5. 1191-1200

Agriculture, Animal agriculture, Best management practice, Coastal, Erosion, Farms, Management, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Sediment, Water quality, Watershed, Land use, BMPs, Agricultural BMPs, Barnyard runoff controls

This study monitored nutrient and sediment concentrations in the Nomini Creek watershed (which drains to the Chesapeake Bay, U.S.) both before and after the implementation of various BMPs (like no-till agriculture, vegetated filter strips, and other nutrient management practices).