Assessing Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in a Complex River-Floodplain Wetland-Isolated Lake System


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 05-12-2019 19:41

Li et al. 2019_Assessing Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in a Complex River-Floodplain Wetland-Isolated Lake System.pdf

Li, Y., Zhang, Q., Lu, J., Yao, J., Tan, Z. 2019. Assessing Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in a Complex River-Floodplain Wetland-Isolated Lake System. River Research and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 35. 25-36

Analysis, Floodplain, Fresh water, Groundwater, Hydrology, Lakes, Surface water, Wetlands

This study evaluated the dynamics, fluxes, and interactions between surface water and groundwater in a complex lake system in China. The results highlight the seasonal variability of the lake’s hydrologic flux rates.

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