Answering Common Producer Questions on Cover Crop Use in Iowa


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 28-05-2019 15:52

Basche et al. 2016_Answering Common Producer Questions On Cover Crop Use In Iowa.pdf

Basche, A. D., Roesch-McNally, G. E., Clay, R., Miguez, F. E. 2016. Answering Common Producer Questions on Cover Crop Use in Iowa. Iowa State University Extension & Outreach, Ames, IA.

Agriculture, Best management practice, Cover crops, Cropping systems, Eutrophication, Farms, Management, Nutrients, Soils, Soil organic matter, Water quality, Economics, Soil water consumption, BMPs, Agricultural BMPs

This document contains an  overview of cover crop usage in Iowa (USA). It’s designed to answer common questions asked by agricultural producers, and it includes information on: effects of cover crops on crop yield, different cover crop species used in Iowa, how cover crops influence nitrogen dynamics, and  economic considerations.

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