Questions and Answers about Drainage Water Recycling for the Midwest


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 28-05-2019 15:53

Frankenberger et al. 2017_Questions and Answers about Drainage Water Recycling in the Midwest.pdf

Frankenberger, J., Reinhart, B., Nelson, K., Bowling, L., Hay, C., Youssef, M. 2017. Questions and Answers about Drainage Water Recycling for the Midwest: ABE-156-W. Purdue Extension,Lafayette, IN.

Agriculture, Cropping systems, Drainage patterns, Eutrophication, Farms, Irrigation, Management, Nutrients, Runoff, Sediment, Water quality, Water supply, Agricultural BMPs, Water reuse, Ditches

Drainage water recycling systems function by capturing then storing/treating runoff from agricultural fields; that water can then be used to irrigate crops. Drainage water recycling has been shown to increase crop yield and improve water quality. This document summarizes the benefits and drawbacks of recycling drainage water in Midwestern agricultural systems.

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