A Comparison of Runoff Quantity and Quality from Two Small Basins Undergoing Implementation of Conventional- and Low-Impact-Development (LID) Strategies: Cross Plains, Wisconsin, Water Years 1999-2005


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Owner: CWPIntern

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Last Updated: 26-01-2023 1:32

Selbig & Bannerman 2008_A Comparison of Runoff Quantity and Quality from Two Small Basins Undergoing Implementation of Conventional and LID Strategies.pdf

Selbig, W. R., Bannerman, R. T., , , , , , , , . 2008. A Comparison of Runoff Quantity and Quality from Two Small Basins Undergoing Implementation of Conventional- and Low-Impact-Development (LID) Strategies: Cross Plains, Wisconsin, Water Years 1999-2005: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5008. U.S. Geological Survey, . , .

Analysis, Development, Green infrastructure, Low-impact development, Runoff, Stormwater, Water quality, LID, Basins