Minnesota Soil Bioengineering Handbook


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 15:52

Holm et al. 2005_Minnesota Soil Bioengineering Handbook.pdf

Holm, L., MacDonagh, L. P., Ryan, E., Lenhart, C., Jergens, S. 2005. Minnesota Soil Bioengineering Handbook. Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Construction, Design standards, Management, Soils, Design, Soil amendments, Soil blends, Landscaping

This handbook was developed by the Kestrel Design Group, Inc. for the Minnesota Department of Transportation. It aims to assist public agencies, engineers, and contractors with soil bioengineering best practices. It provides guidance on designing, constructing, and managing soil bioengineering projects, and it includes example built projects in Minnesota (U.S.) and a list of helpful resources.

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