Strip Rotary Tillage with a Two-Year Subsoiling Interval Enhances Root Growth and Yield in Wheat


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 15:44

He et al. 2019_Strip Rotary Tillage with a Two-Year Subsoiling Interval Enhances Root Growth and Yield in Wheat.pdf

He, J., Shi, Y., Zhao, J., Yu, Z. 2019. Strip Rotary Tillage with a Two-Year Subsoiling Interval Enhances Root Growth and Yield in Wheat. Nature, Scientific Reports. 9, Number 11678.

Agriculture, Cropping systems, Root systems, Soils, Vegetation, Wheat, Tillage, Field assessment, Agricultural BMPs

This study evaluated the effects of various tillage practices on soil/root ecology and crop productivity in winter wheat fields. The results indicate that strip rotary tilage with a two-year subsoiling interval has the potential to improve root morphology and increase root activity significantly, which would delay root death and increase wheat yield.

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