Florida Coastal Mapping Program – Overview and 2018 Workshop Report


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 31-05-2019 15:50

Hapke et al. 2019_USGS_Florida Coastal Mapping Program-Overview and 2018 Workshop Report.pdf

Hapke, C. J., Kramer, P. A., Fetherston-Resch, E. H., Baumstark, R. D., Druyor, R., Fredericks, X. 2019. Florida Coastal Mapping Program – Overview and 2018 Workshop Report: Open-File Report 2019-1017. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA.

Coastal, GIS, Planning, Economics, Geomorphology, Mapping, Stakeholders

This report describes the background, history, and organizational structure of the Florida Coastal Mapping Program (FCMaP). It contains: 1) an overview of the inaugural workshop (January 2018), 2) an initial strategy to obtain consistent, high-resolution sea-floor data for the coastal waters of Florida within the upcoming decade.

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