The Sources, Distribution, and Trends of Chloride in Waters of Illinois: Bulletin B-74


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 01-07-2020 20:19

Kelly et al. 2012_The Sources Distribution and Trends of Chloride in the Waters of Illinois.pdf

Kelly, W. R., Panno, S. V., Hackley, K. 2012. The Sources, Distribution, and Trends of Chloride in Waters of Illinois: Bulletin B-74. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Prarie Research Institute, Champaign, IL.

Analysis, Groundwater, Maintenance, Rivers, Road salt, Streams, Surface water, Water quality, Watershed, Roads, Chloride, Fate, Winter maintenance

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the natural and anthropogenic sources, distribution patterns, and environmental fate of chloride in both surface- and groundwaters across Illinois (U.S.).

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