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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05-12-2019 19:44
Livsey, D., Work, P., Downing-Kunz, M. 2019. Stratigraphic Analysis of Corte Madera Creek Flood Control Channel Deposits. Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5070. U.S. Geological Survey.
Analysis, Sediment, Watershed, Floods, Flow conditions, Deposition
This study aimed to determine the timeline and causes of sedimentation observed in a concrete-lined segment of a tributary of the San Francisco Bay, Corte Madera Creek (California, U.S.). The study evaluated two hypothetical scenarios: 1) complete flushing during high flows and subsequent re-deposition, and 2) gradual channel infilling. Using stratigraphic analyses, sediment elevation profiles, and a hydrodynamic model, the channel was determined to be infilling gradually rather than completely flushing and refilling.