Developing Sampling Strategies to Assess the Penobscot River Estuary (2010-2013)


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Owner: Chris Swann

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Last Updated: 27-11-2019 17:58

Lipsky et al. 2019_Developing Sampling Strategies to Assess the Penobscot River Estuary (2010-2013).pdf

Lipsky, C. A., Saunders, R., Stevens, J. R., O’Malley, M., Music, P. 2019. Developing Sampling Strategies to Assess the Penobscot River Estuary (2010-2013). NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Orono, ME.

Analysis, Estuary, Fish, Habitat, Monitoring, Water quality, Watershed, Field assessment, Methods, Aquatic community, Biodiversity, Wildlife, Sample collection, Aquatic ecosystems, Biology, Sampling

This report describes a feasibility assessment and sampling study of the spatiotemporal distribution of fish populations in the Penobscot River estuary (Maine, U.S.). The report chronicles the process of developing specific monitoring techniques and discusses the implications of the findings.

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