A Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessment for the Choptank Habitat Focus Area


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 11-11-2019 16:22

Fleming et al. 2017_A Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessment for the Choptank Habitat Focus Area (Main).pdf

Fleming, C. S., Dillard, M. K., Regan, S. D., Gorstein, M., Messick, E., Blair, A. 2017. A Coastal Community Vulnerability Assessment for the Choptank Habitat Focus Area. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 225. NOAA, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD.

Analysis, Assessment, Climate change, Coastal, Management, Planning, Sea level, Sea level rise, Floods, Climate, Methods, Natural disasters, Socioeconomic, Decision-making, Vulnerability, Framework

This report describes the findings of and the creation of the framework for a community vulnerability assessment for the Choptank Habitat Focus Area, within the Chesapeake Bay watershed (U.S.). The assessment evaluates the social, structural, and natural resource vulnerability of the area and relates to flood risk. The framework in this report can be used to inform planning in coastal areas where flooding is a concern.

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