A Guide to Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds on Private Lands


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 12-11-2019 16:57

Center for Watershed Protection & Albemarle County 2019_A Guide to Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds on Private Lands.pdf

Calos, S., Williamson, L., Fox, J. E., Daniels, A. D. 2019. A Guide to Retrofitting Stormwater Ponds on Private Lands. Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. & Albemarle County. CWP, Ellicott City, MD.

Best management practice, Case study, Construction, Dry pond, GIS, Green infrastructure, Identification, Implementation, Planning, Ponds, Stormwater, Cost estimation, Cost-effectiveness, BMPs, Credits, Prioritization, Decision-making, Detention

This guidebook was developed by the Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. and Albemarle County with funding from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation’s Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund. This document aims to guide local government entities, nonprofits, and consultants in their efforts to retrofit storwmater ponds on private property. It outlines the full process of identifying, prioritizing, and constructing these retrofits in a cost-effective manner. It also incorporates the details of and lessons learned from a case study of a project implemented in Albemarle County.

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