Where to Plant Urban Trees? A Spatially Explicit Methodology to Explore Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs


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Owner: Chris Swann

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Last Updated: 25-10-2019 14:12

Bodnaruk et al. 2017_Where to Plant Urban Trees - A Spatially Explicit Methodology to Explore Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs.pdf

Bodnaruk, E. W., Kroll, C. N., Yang, Y., Hirabayashi, S., Nowak, D. J., Endreny, T. A. 2017. Where to Plant Urban Trees? A Spatially Explicit Methodology to Explore Ecosystem Service Tradeoffs. Landscape and Urban Planning. Elsevier B.V. Number 157. Pages 457-467

Forests, Green infrastructure, Management, Trees, Urban, Urban trees, Urbanization, Vegetation, Prioritization, Decision-making, Ecological services

This paper presents a quantitative method using biophysical iTree models to help decision-makers prioritize urban tree planting locations based on ecosystem tradeoffs. The method aims to assist planners, foresters, and citizens in managing urban forest systems more effectively.

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