Watershed-Scale Impacts of Forest Buffers on Water Quality and Runoff in Urbanizing Environment


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 31-10-2016 18:39


Matteo, M., Randhir, T., Bloniarz, D. 2006. Watershed-Scale Impacts of Forest Buffers on Water Quality and Runoff in Urbanizing Environment. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. ASCE, Reston, VA.  Volume 132,  # 3. Pages144-152

impacts, urban, water quality, Buffer


This study used the generalized watershed loading function model to evaluate watershed-wide impacts of best management practices (BMPs) scenarios representing riparian and street buffers on water quality, quantity, and open space in rural, suburban, and urbanized environments.  The proportion of urban forest cover reduced sediment and nutrient loading, decreased stormwater runoff, and increased groundwater recharge in urbanizing watersheds.

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