Vulnerability of Grazing and Confined Livestock in the Northern Great Plains to Projected Mid- and Late-Twenty-First Century Climate


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 14-07-2020 19:07

Derner et al. 2018_Vulnerability of Grazing and Confined Livestock in the Northern Great Plains to Projected Mid- and Late-Twenty-First Century Climate.pdf

Derner, J., Briske, D., Reeves, M., Brown-Brandl, T., Meehan, M., Blumenthal, D. 2018. Vulnerability of Grazing and Confined Livestock in the Northern Great Plains to Projected Mid- and Late-Twenty-First Century Climate. Climatic Change. Springer Science+Business Media.

Agriculture, Analysis, Animal agriculture, Cattle, Climate change, Cropping systems, Management, Planning, Climate, Agricultural BMPs, Variability, Vulnerability

This article evaluates the effects of emerging climate-change-induced risks to livestock in the Northern Great Plains (NGP) region of the United States. Some of these projected climate changes include longer and warmer growing seasons, increased seasonal variability, and more frequent extreme weather events. The article includes a vulnerability analysis of the NGP’s cattle production industry, and it also provides recommended adaptation strategies for mitigating the negative consequences of climate change on animal agricultre operations in the NGP.

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