Assessment of Stormwater Management in Coastal South Carolina: A Focus on Stormwater Ponds and Low Impact Development (LID) Practices


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 23-03-2016 18:09

Vandiver, L., Hernandez, D. 2007. Assessment of stormwater management in coastal South Carolina: A focus on stormwater ponds and low impact development (LID) practices. Hernandez & Company/ University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC.
BMP, coastal, LID, Regulation/Ordinance, water quality, Stormwater
Two paired watersheds are used in coastal South Carolina to determine the water quality improvements for LID versus curb and gutter stormwater management approach. The study highlights a need for additional LID quantitative studies, homeowner education and outreach, regulatory enforcement, and calls for a treatment train approach where LID is used with other structural BMPs.

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