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Last Updated: 23-03-2016 19:57
Valderrama, A., Levine, L., Bloomgarden, E., Bayon, R., Wachowicz, K., Kaiser, C. 2013. Creating Clean Water Cash Flow: Developing Private Markets for Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Philadelphia. Natural Resources Defense Council, EKO Asset Management Partners, and The Nature Conservancy, Washington, DC. Pages 1-87
runoff, Stormwater, Green Infrastructure
A 2012 NRDC paper, Financing Stormwater Retrofits in Philadelphia and Beyond, outlined how Philadelphia’s new stormwater fee and credit structure could encourage private parcel owners to invest in stormwater retrofits, thereby leveraging private capital to help meet the city’s greened acre targets. Building on that paper, this report provides more detailed analysis and action-oriented recommendations to stimulate investment in green infrastructure on the part of municipalities and private investors. Although the analysis and recommendations are directed toward the case of Philadelphia, the aim of the report is much broader: to shed light on strategies that a wide range of cities can use to identify economical green infrastructure retrofit opportunities and, where possible, leverage private capital in efforts to ”green” their urban space.