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Version: 1.0.1
Last Updated: 24-03-2016 19:01
Baldwin, A. Urban Stream Restoration Best Management Practice: Definition and Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Efficiencies; For use in calibration of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s Phase 5.0 Watershed Model. University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Pages 1-15
BMP, nutrients, restoration, sediment, stream, Ecosystem
This document summarizes the recommended definition and nutrient and sediment reduction efficiencies for the Urban Stream Restoration Best Management Practice for review and final approval by the Tributary Strategy Workgroup and Urban Stormwater Workgroup. Included in these recommendations is a full accounting of the Chesapeake Bay Program’s discussions on this BMP and how these recommendations were developed, including data, literature, data analysis results, and discussions of how various issues were addressed.