Using Economic Incentives to Manage Stormwater Runoff in the Shepherd Creek Watershed, Part 1


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 25-03-2016 15:31

Thurston, H., Roy, A., Shuster, W., Morrison, M., Taylor,M., Cabezas,H. 2008. Using Economic Incentives to Manage Stormwater Runoff in the Shepherd Creek Watershed, Part 1. EPA/600/R-08-129. US EPA, Cincinnati, OH.
BMP, costs, Implementation
This report describes and tests a method that can be used by communities to focus limited budgets on the most efficient and ecologically-effective installation of stormwater management practices. The project objectives include: (1) test the use of an auction to cost-effectively allocate stormwater management practices among landowners, and (2) to determine the effectiveness of the resulting implementation in terms of hydrological, water quality, and ecological measures. The stormwater management practices used in this project were limited to rain barrels and rain gardens in the Shepard Creek Watershed located in Cincinnati, OH.

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