The Contribution of Headwater Streams to Biodiversity in River Networks


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 25-10-2019 16:42

Meyer et al. 2007_The Contribution of Headwater Streams to Biodiversity in River Networks.pdf

Meyer, J. L., Strayer, D. L., Wallace, B., Eggert, S. L., Helfman, G. S., Leonard, N. E. 2007. The Contribution of Headwater Streams to Biodiversity in River Networks. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. American Water Resources Association. Volume 43, Number 1. Pages 86-103

Ecosystem, Headwater, Rivers, Streams, Watershed, Aquatic community, Biodiversity, Aquatic ecosystems, Biology, Downstream, Diversity

This paper presents a review of the diversity of taxa that depends on headwater streams. The paper outlines a variety of specific influences of headwaters on downstream systems, including acting as a refuge from threats, a source for colonists, a location for spawning/rearing, etc.

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