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Last Updated: 22-03-2016 19:18
Hartranft, J.L., Merritts, D.J., Walter, R.C., Rahnis, M. 2011. The Big Spring Run Restoration Experiment: Policy, Geomorphology, and Aquatic Ecosystems in the Big Spring Run Watershed, Lancaster County, PA. Sustain: A Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Issues. Kentucky Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Issue 24. Pages 24-30
nutrients, restoration, sediment, water quality, Ecosystem
Research collaboration among scientists and government agencies set to accomplish essential monitoring of ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic processes at BSR. The BSR restoration experiment will test a new paradigm of ecological restoration of aquatic landscapes and resources that have been buried beneath historic sediment, and will provide better understanding of the mechanisms responsible for development and stability of landscape patterns in ACFS.