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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 19-05-2020 13:51
Minick, S., Adamow, M. 2018. Technical Memorandum: Green Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance Cost Model. San Fransisco Public Utilities Commission, City of San Francisco, California.
Analysis, Green infrastructure, Maintenance, Management, Modeling, Planning, Stormwater, Economics, Cost estimation, Cost analysis, Cost-effectiveness
This technical memorandum presents an analysis of the Green Stormwater Infrastructure Cost Model, which was developed by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, for planning and budgeting purposes. The tool is intended to aid planners and managers in their efforts to comply with maintenance obligations. This analysis specifically aims to provide planning-level cost estimates based on the scope of projected green stormwater infrastructure maintenance that will be required in San Francisco in the next 20 years.