Summary of Research Related to Socioeconomic Benefits of Green Infrastructure


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 25-10-2019 14:45

Center for Watershed Protection 2019_Green Infrastructure Socioeconomic Benefits Technical Memo_Runoff Rundown Version.pdf

Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. 2019. Summary of Research Related to Socioeconomic Benefits of Green Infrastructure. Center for Watershed Protection, Inc., Ellicott City, MD.

Best management practice, Case study, Green infrastructure, Municipal concerns, Urban, Urbanization, Water quality, BMPs, Socioeconomic

This technical memo was developed by the Center for Watershed Protection, Inc. for the American Littoral Society. The memo summarizes literature on the commonly identified socioeconomic benefits of green infrastructure, such as: public health, social cohesion, public safety, property values, and job/business development. The memo also contains a case study of the Camden Stormwater and Resources Training (SMART) program (Camden, NJ, U.S.), which serves as a model program for using green infrastructure to address water quality and socioeconomic issues.

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