Soil in the City: Sustainably Improving Urban Soils


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 02-02-2017 21:12


Kumar, K., Hundal, L. 2016. Soil in the City: Sustainably Improving Urban Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. Volume 45, Number 1. Pages 2-8

Assessment, designated use, Management, planning, policy, redevelopment, restoration, urban, water quality, Stormwater, Land Use, Soil, Green Infrastructure

Abandoned urban land have potential for stormwater management and the mitigation of the impact of urban heat islands. Effective and healthy soils are needed for this, but urban soils are often highly degraded and polluted as a result of human activity. This literature review compiles information about the many characteristics of urban soils for use by policymakers, practioners, and the general public.

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