Socioeconomic Benefits of Habitat Restoration


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 19-05-2020 13:40

Samonte et al. 2017_Socioeconomic Benefits of Habitat Restoration.pdf

Samonte, G., Edwards, P., Royster, J., Ramenzoni, V., Morlock, S.2017. Socioeconomic Benefits of Habitat Restoration. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OHC-1. NOAA, Office of Habitat Conservation.

Habitat, Human health, Management, Restoration, Economics, Cost analysis, Socioeconomic, Human behavior, Citizen engagement, Community engagement, Ecological services

This report describes the results of a project conducted by NOAA’s Office of Habitat Conservation, which aimed to restore habitats while stimulating economic growth in the United States. The project involved analyzing data from 125 funded projects to evaluate their impacts on their respective local communities and economies.

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