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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01-07-2020 16:33
Betts, A., Gharabaghi, B., McBean, E., Levison, J., Parker, B. 2015. Salt Vulnerability Assessment Methodology for Municipal Supply Wells. Journal of Hydrology. Elsevier B.V. Volume 531. Pages 523-533
Analysis, Assessment, Fresh water, Groundwater, Maintenance, Management, Municipal concerns, Road salt, Water quality, Methods, Land use, Vulnerability, De-icing, Winter maintenance
This study analyzes spatial and water quality data to delineate Salt Vulnerable Areas (SVAs) for 20 municipal water supply wells in the Grand River watershed (Ontario, Canada). The methodology assesses three chloride input pathways (surface runoff, shallow interflow, and groundwater flow/baseflow) to assign a risk score for chloride contamination.