Relationships among Nutrients, Chloride, and Biological Indices in Urban Maryland Streams


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Owner: CWPIntern

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 25-01-2023 11:21

Morgan et al. 2006_Relationships Among Nutrients Chloride and Biological Indices in Urban Maryland Streams.pdf

Morgan II, R. P., Kline, K. M., Cushman, S. F., , , , , , . 2006. Relationships among Nutrients, Chloride, and Biological Indices in Urban Maryland Streams: Urban Ecosystems. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, . , .

Analysis, Fish, Fresh water, Macro-invertebrates, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Road salt, Streams, Urban, Urbanization, Water quality, Watershed, Benthic, Wildlife, Chloride, Connectivity, De-icing, Winter maintenance

This study analyzed data from the Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) to characterize the relationships between nutrient concentrations in small-order Maryland streams and a wide variety of other landscape and water quality characteristics.