Regression Models for Estimating Sediment and Nutrient Concentrations and Loads at the Iroquois River near Foresman, Indiana, March 2015 through July 2018


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 05-12-2019 19:38

Lathrop et al. 2019_Regression Models for Estimating Sediment and Nutrient Concentrations and Loads at the Iroquois River near Foresman Indiana March 2015 through July 2018.pdf

Lathrop, T. R., Bunch, A. R., Downhour, M. S., Perkins, D. M. 2019. Regression Models for Estimating Sediment and Nutrient Concentrations and Loads at the Iroquois River near Foresman, Indiana, March 2015 through July 2018. Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5087. U.S. Geological Survey.

Modeling, Monitoring, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Phosphorus, Sediment, Streams, Streamflow, Water quality

This study developed regression models to estimate concentrations of TN, TP, and TSS in the Iroquois River (Indiana, U.S.) using continuous water quality monitoring and streamflow data collected over 3 years.

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