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Version: 1.0.1
Last Updated: 25-03-2016 15:26
Montalto, F., Behr, C., Alfredo, K., Wolf, M., Arye, M., Walsh, M. 2007. Rapid Assessment of the Cost-effectiveness of Low Impact Development for CSO Control. Landscape and Urban Planning. Elsevier, New York, NY. Volume 82, Issue3. Page 117.
costs, CSOs, LID, Model, urban
A simple model is used to assess the cost-effectiveness of low impact development (LID) for reducing combined sewer overflows (CSOs) in urban watersheds. The results indicate that individual LID systems have differing levels of cost-effectiveness in terms of CSO reduction, but that under a variety of performance and cost scenarios a public subsidy to encourage LID installation represents a cost-effective alternative for public agencies to consider in their efforts to reduce CSOs.