Permeable Pavements


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 31-12-2019 18:47

Eisenberg et al. 2015_Permeable Pavements.pdf

Eisenberg, B., Lindow, K. C., Smith, D. R. 2015. Permeable Pavements. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Low Impact Development Committee, Reston, VA.

Best management practice, Construction, Design standards, Green infrastructure, Maintenance, Management, Permeable pavement, Stormwater, BMPs, Design, Pavement

This report presents the findings of the Permeable Pavement Technical Committee, which was formed by the American Society for Civil Engineers’ Low Impact Development standing committee. This report provides summarized currently acceptable procedures for permeable pavement practices, and it is intended to inform practicing engineers.

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