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Last Updated: 22-03-2016 18:34
Klocker, C.A., Kaushal, S.S., Groffman, P.M., Mayer, P.M., Morgan, R.P. 2009. Nitrogen uptake and denitrification in restored and unrestored streams in urban Maryland, USA. Aquatic Sciences. Springer Link, Berlin, Germany. Volume 71, Number 4. Pages 441-424
floodplain, nutrients, restoration, sediment, stream
There is growing interest in rates of nitrate uptake and denitrification in restored streams to better understand the effects of restoration on nitrogen processing. This study quantified nitrate uptake in two restored and two unrestored streams in Baltimore, Maryland, USA using nitrate additions, denitrification enzyme assays, and a 15N isotope tracer addition in one of the urban restored streams, Minebank Run.