Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 18-10-2019 13:38

Slattery et al. 2003_Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping - Chesapeake Bay Watershed.pdf

Slattery, B. E., Reshetiloff, K., Zwicker, S. M. 2003. Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat and Conservation Landscaping: Chesapeake Bay Watershed. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Conservation, Guidebook/handbook, Native vegetation, Native wildlife, Restoration, Vegetation, Landscape, Landscaping

This guidebook contains color images and specifications of hundreds of native species in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and nearby coastal regions. It can be used to guide species selection for small-scale, residential plantings and large-scale restoration efforts.

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