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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 23-10-2018 18:47
Center for Watershed Protection. 2018. Making Your Community Forest-Friendly: A Worksheet for Review of Municipal Codes and Ordinances. Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Forest, COW, codes, This worksheet was designed to help communities review and revise their development regulations, so that future projects conserve and protect valuable trees and woodlands and encourage new plantings. It provides a set of questions to help local officials determine whether local codes require, allow, or prohibit “forest-friendly” development practices. These practices were developed with input from subject matter experts including foresters, planners, transportation engineers, homebuilders, and fire administration representatives, to ensure that they maximize tree cover protection without compromising other goals, such as public safety, visibility, access, and economic value.