Pollution Loading from Illicit Sewage Discharges in Two Mid-Atlantic Subwatersheds and Implications for Nutrient and Bacterial Total Maximum Daily Loads


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 22-03-2016 19:09

Lilly, L., Stack, B., Caraco, D. 2012. Pollution Loading from Illicit Sewage Discharges in Two Mid-Atlantic Subwatersheds and Implications for Nutrient and Bacterial Total Maximum Daily Loads. Watershed Science Bulletin. Center for Watershed Protection, Ellicott City, MD. Volume 3, Number 1. Pages 7-17
bacteria, IDDE, pollutant, TMDL
The Center for Watershed Protection (Center) collaborated with local jurisdictions to comprehensively detect and quantify the nutrient and bacterial loads from nonstormwater discharges in two Mid-Atlantic subwatersheds. The Center followed a comprehensive procedure for detecting, tracking, and eliminating pollution sources that included (1) using threshold criteria, such as ammonia and bacteria to determine the presence of illicit sewage discharges; (2) estimating instantaneous pollutant loadings from the dry weather flowing outfalls; and (3) comparing the illicit sewage discharge pollutant load to the watershed load, as estimated from grab samples taken from a downstream, instream location.

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