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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 24-05-2024 16:18
Fraley-McNeal, L, Caraco, D, Schneider, J, Cappiella, K. 2024.Lidar-Derived Dem Differencing as An Approach For Identification Of Potential Stream Stabilization Projects In The Upstream Suburban Philadelphia Cluster. Center for Watershed Protection, Fulton, MD.13 pp.
Digital elevation model (DEM) differencing has gained utility in recent years as an effective method to evaluate potential restoration sites. LiDAR-derived DEM differencing was used to map areas of erosion, deposition, and the corresponding volumetric change within focus areas of the Upstream Suburban Philadelphia cluster in Pennsylvania. LiDAR datasets from 2008 and 2015 were used to map locations and approximate load of sediment erosion and deposition that occurred during that time period,
particularly for the identification of potential streambank stabilization opportunities.