The Beauty of Stream Restoration and Pet Waste Reduction Programs


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Last Updated: 23-03-2016 19:58

Kwon, H.Y. 2015. The Beauty of Stream Restoration and Pet Waste Reduction Programs. Sustain- A Journal of Environmental and Sustainability Issues: Urban Streams. Kentucky Institute for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Univeristy of Louisville, Lousiville, KY. Issue 32, Pages 2-7
gross solids, IDDE, restoration, Green Infrastructure, Pet Waste
This article discusses the different practice options that are available to communities to implement to reduce stormwater impacts on water systems. There are several different options under green infrastructure and it is time to broaden the practices being used outside of rain gardens and bioretentions. Stream restoration, illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE), gross solids abatement, and pet waste reductions can all help to reduce the sediment and nitrogen being dumped into our waterways.

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