Invertebrate Response to Wetland Management: Waterfowl Management Handbook


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 14-07-2020 19:41

Fredrickson & Reed 1988_Invertebrate Response to Wetland Management.pdf

Fredrickson, L. H. 1988. Invertebrate Response to Wetland Management: Waterfowl Management Handbook. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Fort Collins, CO.

Analysis, Invertebrates, Management, Restoration, Wetlands, Design, Biodiversity, Wildlife, Biology

This paper was published as a section of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Waterfowl Management Handbook. It discusses the trophic relationships between invertebrates and waterfowl, and it evaluates the responses of both types of wildlife to various management activities.

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