How Effective Are Created or Restored Freshwater Wetlands for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal? A Systematic Review


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 01-06-2019 13:49

Land et al. 2016_How effective are created or restored freshwater wetlands for nitrogen and phosphorus removal A systematic review.pdf

Land, M., Graneli, W., Grimvall, A., Hoffmann, C. C., Mitsch, W. J., Tonderski, K. S. 2016. How Effective Are Created or Restored Freshwater Wetlands for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal?  A Systematic Review. Environmental Evidence. BioMed Central, New York, NY. 5, 9.

Fresh water, Nitrogen, Nutrients, Phosphorus, Water quality, Wetlands, Constructed wetlands, Restored wetlands

This paper presents the results of a systematic review to evaluate the nutrient removal efficiencies of both created and restored wetlands. Data from over 200 wetlands was obtained, and average TN and TP removal efficiencies were calculated.

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