Green Space, Violence, and Crime: A Systematic Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse


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Owner: Chris Swann

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: 25-10-2019 14:16

Bogar & Beyer 2015_Green Space Violence and Crime - A Systematic Review.pdf

Bogar, S., Beyer, K. M. 2015. Green Space, Violence, and Crime: A Systematic Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. Sage. Pages 1-12

Municipal concerns, Trees, Urban, Urban trees, Urbanization, Socioeconomic, Citizen engagement, Diversity

This paper presents a meta-analysis on the relationship between urban green space and incidents of violence/crime in the United States. While there is more evidence that green space has a positive impact on communities, more standardized research is needed to further define this relationship.

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