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Owner: Chris Swann
Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01-07-2020 16:39
Cuelho, E., Harwood, J., Akin, M., Adams, E. 2010. Establishing Best Practices for Removing Snow and Ice from California Roadways. California Department of Transportation, Department of Research and Innovation.
Analysis, Assessment, Implementation, Maintenance, Management, Municipal concerns, Road salt, Temperature, Parking lots, Asphalt, Pavement, Brine, Anti-icing, Winter maintenance
This report describes a study conducted by the Western Transportation Institute for the California Department of Transportation. The study evaluated the qualitative and quantitative performance of five anti-icing materials by measuring a variety of performance indices, including temperature of snow-pavement bond failure, friction of pavement after physical snow removal, and snow-pavement bond strength. The report also includes a set of guidelines that aim to encourage the implementation of anti-icing in winter maintenance activities in California (U.S.).