Effects of Riparian Buffers on Nitrate Concentrations in Watershed Discharges: New Models and Management Implications


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Version: 1.0.1

Last Updated: 22-03-2016 19:31

Weller, D., Baker, M.E., Jordan, T.E. 2011. Effects of Riparian Buffers on Nitrate Concentrations in Watershed Discharges: New Models and Management Implications. Ecological Applications. Ecological Society of America, Edgewater, MD. Volume 21, Number 5. Pages 1679-1695
Management, nutrients, riparian buffers, watershed, Land Cover
Results of a research project that combined geographic methods to account for buffer prevalence along flow paths connecting croplands to streams with improved statistical models to test for buffer effects on stream nitrate concentrations. The study was conducted for 321 tributary watersheds to the Chesapeake Bay.

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