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Last Updated: 24-03-2016 18:12
Drake, J., Bradford, A., Van Seters, T., MacMillan, G. 2012. Evaluation of Permeable Pavements in Cold Climates: Kortright Centre, Vaughan. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Downsview, Ontario Canada. Pages 1-92
LID, runoff, Stormwater, Permeable Pavement
This article is about a three year study that advances knowledge about the performance of permeable pavements (PP) under Ontario climatic and geologic conditions by evaluating the functional, hydraulic and water quality effectiveness of three types of PPs and conventional asphalt. In addition, the study assesses the benefits of using PPs in areas with low permeability native soils, identifies critical cold climate factors that may influence performance, and compares the effectiveness of alternative pavement cleaning practices.