Development of a Risk Assessment Framework to Predict Invasive Species Establishment for Multiple Taxonomic Groups and Vectors of Introduction


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Owner: Chris Swann

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Last Updated: 04-11-2019 19:47

Davidson et al. 2017_Development of a Risk Assessment Framework to Predict Invasive Species Establishment for Multiple Taxonomic Groups and Vectors of Introduction.pdf

Davidson, A. D., Fusaro, A. J., Sturtevant, R. A., Rutherford, E. S., Kashian, D. R. 2017. Development of a Risk Assessment Framework to Predict Invasive Species Establishment for Multiple Taxonomic Groups and Vectors of Introduction. Management of Biological Invasions. 8, 1. 25-36

Fresh water, Invasive wildlife, Lakes, Modeling, Aquatic community, Biodiversity, Wildlife, Aquatic ecosystems, Biology, Establishment

This paper describes the creation of a model framework for the assessment of introduction, establishment, and impact of invasive aquatic species. The model was applied to a case study of the Laurentian Great Lakes (U.S.), and over 65 ”watchlist” species were analyzed.

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